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Click here to view a PDF of our current Charter.   (This version was approved by CT Legislature on 7-12-2019)




The Board of Governors has established a voting procedure to insure that the annual elections will be accurate and run smoothly.

The procedure is as follows:
Four tables will be set up to represent the streets in the Association.

  • Table 1 Streets B-Men (Boston Post -lndian Trail-Menunketesuck)

  • Table 2 Streets Mo-Mohi (Mohawk-Mohican East)

  • Table 3 Streets O-P (Old Mail Trail-Pequot)

  • Table 4 Streets R-W (Riverview-Sachem-Uncas-Wangum)

The voter checks in at their respective table upon arrival at the meeting. The checker validates the voter's name and address and gives the voter a ballot. (Proxy holders do the same for each proxy they hold by using the address of the proxy to check in at the correct table and receive a ballot for the proxy.)


The ballot will have the pre-printed names of the candidates selected by the Nominating Committee and endorsed by the Board of Governors.

lt will also have spaces for candidates nominated from the floor.


When the nominations are closed, all names will be prominently displayed and the voter will choose either to vote for the endorsed candidate or vote by writing in the candidate nominated from the floor.


The voter will return the ballot to their respective checker for verification. (Proxy holders will return the proxy ballot to the proxy address checker.)

The votes will be counted during the meeting by the checkers and announced before the end of the meeting.

Registration opens at 9:45 A.M.


lf there are any questions or concerns, please contact Chairman Gary Bazzano by phone at 860-604-0500 or by email at GARYBAZZANO@ME.COM.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation in an effort to make the Association's voting process run smoothly and effectively.

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